Lila Flow 200 Hour Teacher Training
Fully Self Paced Yoga Alliance Certified 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with a Mentor
M1_2_Welcome video from Patricia and Taryn (Lila Flow Co-Founders)
M1_3_Welcome class with Taryn
M1_4_Embodied Philosophy_Roots and Branches of Yoga
Course Manual
Foundational Postures_1_Tadasana
Foundational Postures_2_Urdhva Hastasana
Foundational Postures_3_Uttanasana
Foundational Postures_Ardha Uttanasana
Foundational Postures_5_Adho Mukha Svanasana
Foundational Postures_6_Plank
Foundational Postures_7_Chatturanga Dandasana
Foundational Postures_8_Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Foundational Postures_9_Bhujangasana
Foundational Postures_10_High Lunge
Foundational Postures_11_Childs Pose
Foundational Postures Mini Quiz
M2_1_Vinyasa Flow vs Sun Salutation Breakdown
M2_2_Chandra Namaskar
M2_3_Creative Sun Salutations with Patricia
M2_4_Anatomy 101
M2_5_Macro View of the Body with Tiffany Fisk
M2_6_What is Fascia? (Part II with Tiffany Fisk)
M2_7_Our Shape (Part III with Tiffany Fisk)
M2_8_Biotensegrity (Part IV with Tiffany Fisk)
Vinyasa Versus Sun Salute
M3_1_The 4 Forms of Yoga
M3_2_The First Limb of Yoga: The Yamas
M3_3_Class with Taryn_Standing Posture Focus
M3_4_The Second Limb of Yoga:The Niyamas
M3_5_The Royal Path: The 8 Limbs of Yoga
M3_6_Samadhi Reflection and Journaling Exercise
M3_7_Embodied Philosophy_Roots and Branches_Lecture 2
M3_8_Embodied Philosophy_Roots and Brances_Lecture 3
M3_9_Embodied Philosophy_Roots and Branches_Lecture 4
Standing Postures_1_Utkatasana
Standing Postures_2_Virabhadrasana I
Standing Postures_3_Virabhadrasana II
Standing Postures_4_Utthita Parsvakonasana
Standing Postures_5_Utthita Trikonasana
Standing Postures_6_Pyramid
Standing Postures_7_Skandasana
Standing Postures_8_Prasarita Padottanasana
Standing Postures_9_Anjaneyasana
Standing Postures_10_Parighasana
M4_1_Introduction to Meditation
M4_2_Introduction to Pranayama
M4_4_Anatomy of the Foot and Lower Leg with Patricia
Embodied Philosophy_Roots and Branches 2 (Lesson 1)
Balancing Class with Taryn
Bonus: Expanding the Heart Meditation